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The web is a bit of a wild west. While hosting companies and domain providers can lay down regulations, that doesn't mean you can always browse safely. There are unscrupulous people out there who are looking to take advantage of you—infect your system with a virus, steal your data, hack your accounts, and so on.

It's for that reason that you need to be sensible when you're browsing online. You need to browse safe websites, download only from trusted sources, and use different passwords for every service.

To help you out, we've put together this guide that's packed full of handy tips to consider when you're browsing online. We've covered advice around passwords, social media, emails, and more.

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download the Security Tips to Protect Yourself When Browsing Online Cheat Sheet.

Security Tips to Protect Yourself When Browsing Online

1Avoid obvious passwords that are easy to guess, like "123456."
2Don't use passwords that can be guessed on your personal information, like date of birth.
3Use a series of at least four unrelated words, since it's harder to crack.
4Alternatively, mix special characters, upper and lowercase, and be a minimum of 10 characters.
5Ideally, use a password manager to generate secure passwords and remember your logins.
6Use two-factor authentication to make it more difficult for someone to access your account.
7Never share your password with anyone, no matter who claims to be asking for it.
8Don't write your passwords down; or at least not anywhere obviously accessible.
9Change your passwords regularly to protect against data leaks.
10Never use the same password twice; they should always be unique and unrelated.
Web browsing
11If you don't recognize a link, don't click on it.
12Check the address bar to ensure you're on the website that you think you are.
13Is the website using a secure HTTPS connection? If not, there's greater risk of data interception.
14Check the lock icon in the address bar; is the website registered to who it should be?
15Avoid adverts disguised as fake download links; if you're uncertain, don't click.
16The dark web is full of scams and illegal activity, so avoid it.
17Only download from trusted providers, and even then scan the files with anti-virus software.
Social media
18Everything you put online is permanent, so only share what you're comfortable with.
19Thoroughly review all your social media privacy settings so you know what's public.
20Never let anyone else use your social media account, nor log in on a public computer.
21Social media is full of hoaxes and scams. Remain vigilant. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
22Do not overshare. You don't know who's looking at your information or what they're doing with it.
23Only share information of those who have consented. Are you sure you should share pictures of your children?
24Every system is susceptible to viruses, but some more than others.
25You don't need to pay for antivirus software. Windows Security is a great built-in option, for example.
26Avoid dodgy downloads and opening unknown email attachments, since viruses are often spread this way.
27Educate yourself on the difference between viruses, malware, and keyloggers.
28The ultimate, nuclear way to clean a virus from your system is to completely wipe everything.
29Encrypt private data and don't share the encryption key with anyone else.
30Don't store sensitive data in the cloud; keep it entirely disconnected from the web.
31External drives can easily be physically stolen, so be cautious about what you store on them.
32If you're done with a drive, investigate how to securely wipe one; simply deleting the data isn't enough.
33If you buy a used computer, factory reset it and wipe it completely from top to bottom.
34Back up your data: at least three copies, on two different types of media, with one off-site
35The email sender can be spoofed, so that email might not be from who it claims to be.
36Don't recognize the sender? Not expecting that email? Don't open it and delete it.
37If an email asks you to click a link or open an attachment that seems suspicious, trust your instincts and delete it.
38If you're being asked to share sensitive information, don't do it. Your bank, ISP, Amazon, and so on will never ask via email.
39If someone is trying to impose a sense of urgency for you to do something, it's probably a scam.
40That long-lost relative who has died and wants to leave you a bundle of money? It's fake. Delete the email.
41Your spam filter offers some protection, but it isn't foolproof, so don't assume everything in your inbox is safe.
42Keep all the software on your computer up-to-date, to patch vulnerabilities and enjoy the latest features.
43Install operating system updates as they come through, especially critical security ones.
44If you no longer need software, uninstall it completely.
45Don't install random browser extensions, and only use those from trusted publishers.
46When you install apps, check what permissions they ask for; be wary of camera, microphone, and location access.
47Only install apps from the authorized app stores, though even then you have to be cautious.
48Don't send and receive sensitive data over public Wi-Fi connections.
49Protect your phone with a PIN, pattern, fingerprint, or some type of security lock.
50Follow the same precautions you do on your computer, like avoiding dodgy sites and downloads.
51Keep your phone on you whenever possible; this also protects against SIM card swapping.

Protect Against Malware and Scams

You're never going to be totally secure when browsing online—such is the nature of a web that anyone can contribute to—but you can significantly lower your risk by browsing trusted sites. Of course, follow these tips and you'll be well protected.

One of the key things you need to look out for online is malware and scams. Have your wits about you, don't get drawn in by scams; if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

50+ Security Tips to Protect Yourself When Browsing Online

50+ Security Tips to Protect Yourself When Browsing Online


اناس الزروالي شاب مغربي عمري 17سنة صاحب قناة "ارتيك برو" التي تحتوي علي عدد كبير من شروحات تقنية وترفيهية بنكهة خاصة حيت اقم بي تفريغ طاقاتي واقوم بعمل فيديوهات في المستوا و تنصيق و إحتيرافية في العمل تحياتي لكم كان معكم "ارتيك برو" ههه ..... }

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